Feb 7, 2013

fear is no option but it is

I fell in love again....at last. This time I sense something different is about to begin. I am so afraid.

Feb 5, 2013

Mein Leben hier

Kanadische Philosophen, Deutsche Polizisten, Amerikanische Soldaten, Veganismus, schwere Depression, bittere Tränen, tiefe Freude, Enttäuschung, erfüllte Träume, kaputte Träume, neue Träume, CrossFit, Erfüllung, neue Freundschaften, Liebe, Leben ##meinlebenindeutschland

Mar 5, 2012

Let the ungrateful not suffer
For all they've done is in the past
Raise above don't let them suffer
Be the one that gives a hand
In times of greed is what we need
Even for the ungrateful ones
There is a place on earth
And no place for hate indeed
Let them let you down
As long as you live to offer
Your goodness to the world
Walk the path of gracious power
Don't Be afraid to suffer

Mar 3, 2012

My Voicelessness

Every time I see you my Voicelessness strikes me with a bitter surprise.

I try to say something, but my Voicelessness squeezes my throat.

My Voicelessness comes with a great deal of "paralysis" of the limbs.
I feel my arms long and heavy, as if any minute they will hit the ground.
My feet feel heavy and clumsy. My thighs feel enormous and drifted away.
My giant face occupies the entire space around me.

My Voicelessness is to blame. So many words push to come out. But instead they
fill my whole being and I feel as if it would burst any moment.
Every step I take makes the room resound with an unpleasant sound.
I am now touching my neck ... my voicelessness remains in silence. My dewlap is huge

I blame my Voicelessness.

If only I could tell you everything.

I open my mouth , I want to let my mousy little voice out...at last. I accumulate courage while
I am trying to ignore my huge limbs that fill the space.

And then you smile,

You get up

it is high time that we said goodbye.

My Voicelessness screams with pain.

Feb 26, 2012

Студът промъкнал се е снощи
И тревичките от вчера днес са вече мъртви
Покрил е скреж земята и е скрил
Надеждата за идващата топлина
Пролетта почука вчера на вратата, но студът я изпревари и
Вратата в лицето й затвори.
Ех, пролет почакай още малко
Когато дойдеш ще е сладко.